The self-ejecting charging plug



Reinforced plastic




SMART, SIMPLE, SAFE. Thanks to its com­pact design, the new RETTBOX® S can be installed any­where in the car body. To allow safe and quick dis­con­nec­tion under load, the RETTBOX® S is equipped with both an auto­mat­ic and a man­u­al ejec­tion mech­a­nism. Also part of the basic equip­ment is an LED dis­play to indi­cate, for exam­ple, the volt­age or the charg­ing sta­tus.

The RETTBOX® S is designed for all mobile vehi­cle types that require a pow­er sup­ply to charge an addi­tion­al bat­tery for on-board equip­ment (such as res­cue vehi­cles, refrig­er­at­ed vehi­cles, autonomous vehi­cles…). Download brochure.


The Original. Power and com­pressed air sup­ply sys­tem with auto­mat­ic ejec­tion when start­ing your fire engine. The MARECHAL® spring loaded con­tact tech­nol­o­gy allows a safe and ultra fast dis­con­nec­tion under load (100 mil­lisec­onds). The stain­less steel cov­er is per­fect­ly suit­ed for harsh envi­ron­nement. RETTBOX® ONE is used to charge the bat­ter­ies and all devices on board your vehi­cle. Download brochure.

Spare parts & Accessories

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