About us

A family business

Founded in 1952 by Gilles MARECHAL, the MARECHAL ELECTRIC group is one of the key com­pa­nies in the field of low volt­age elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion sys­tems for indus­tri­al envi­ron­ments.

The group is in con­stant devel­op­ment and now has 8 sub­sidiaries world­wide. MARECHAL ELECTRIC is rec­og­nized as an expert in elec­tri­cal safe­ty and for the dura­bil­i­ty of its high qual­i­ty solu­tions.

Our history

The first RETTBOX® solu­tion was devel­oped in 2001 by the German sub­sidiary of the MARECHAL Group, to answer the needs of local fire brigades for an auto­mat­ic self-eject plug.

Since then, fire brigades all over the world have been using this solu­tion.

The now-called RETTBOX®ONE is still today man­u­fac­tured in Germany.

RETTBOX®ONE is a heavy-duty sys­tem, equipped with a stain­less steal cov­er.

The new RETTBOX®S is a com­pact and cost-effective solu­tion.